Dear Seattle United Families, Coaches, Staff, and Alumni:
On behalf of the Seattle United Board of Directors, we wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving. We are thankful to you for being part of such a generous community that comes together to celebrate soccer every day and that provides opportunities for thousands of youth every year to play soccer. A number of things that the Board of Directors is particularly thankful for…
• Every one of the 2,142 players in Seattle United and their families
• Over 100 men and women coaches coaching 144 teams, committed to supporting and developing our kids as players and as people
• Dedicated and passionate coaching directors and Club leadership
• A generous Financial Aid program that benefits 175 girls and boys at all levels of the Club
• The many Seattle United alumni who keep us posted on their endeavors in college and beyond
• Dedicated office staff who keep the organization running efficiently every day
• Soccer in Schools program to benefit kids in Seattle public schools
• The new Community Support Program – this year supporting the Cleveland High School Girls Soccer program with uniforms, balls and more
• Our recent Food Drive to benefit families who do not have food security and rely on Northwest Harvest. We brought in over 6000 lbs of food, serving 40,204 meals, in just two days!
• The gift of time of our many volunteers and team managers
• Those who freely share their information and experience at our Medical Information Nights and College Information Nights
• Many successes on the field, opportunities to build character, and to become good community contributors
• Our generous sponsors – Adidas, Leone & Vaughn Orthodontics, Soccer West, UW Medicine, Datec, Campbell VW, Homestreet Bank, and Museum Quality Framing
• Pickup soccer games on Thanksgiving Day!
Wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving with family and friends.
Amy Gaffney
President, Board of Directors