High School, College, and Recruiting Updates

High School, College, and Recruiting Updates

High School, College, and Recruiting Updates

High School:
Schools are still working on their online learning solutions for the remainder
of the school year. Many schools will move to a pass/fail grading system for the
current semester. This means you cumulative GPA will remain the same as it was
at the end of first semester. Do not worry if your grades are pass/fail, colleges will
adjust and not penalize.

AP Testing – College Board online: May 4-8 and May 11-15 – Register below.

Standardized Testing:
The ACT and College Board (SAT) just announced this week that they are working on an online testing solution that will be available in late fall or early winter. There will also be increased in-person testing opportunities as soon as conditions allow. College Board will offer more at-school testing days as well. If you would like to take a diagnostic SAT and ACT at home to determine which test is the best for you to focus on, contact Gary Whitehouse. The cost is $40.00 for the two tests and they will be scored and returned within 10 days. These are full tests which are approximately 3.5 hours per test.

Many colleges have already announced that they will be standardized test optional
for the 2021 high-school graduation class. Test optional means you can still take and
submit your scores to support your academic profile.

College coaches are still actively recruiting while at home. Having video is the key component.If you have not done so, make a 3-4-minute highlight video. College Fit Finder has a video editing tool that is in your personal profile account. In addition to video you should have your resume page updated, and a copy of your unofficial transcript through last semester available. Colleges are adding more online video tours and information sessions by the day. In addition visiting college websites, try searching YouTube with the college name to see additional information on schools.

Gary Whitehouse
College Program Coordinator
[email protected]