Athletic Trainer’s Corner- October 2020

We have officially hit fall weather! The day is typical Seattle weather, 50s and partly sunny (maybe some drizzle) but the night is getting colder and colder. With these colder nights, jackets are a must. But even with bringing on the layers, making sure masks are on, and washing hands, the fall can still bring on the dreaded cold or flu. This is normal during this time of year but during a pandemic, it can be difficult to determine what is just a cold and what is COVID-19 related. Runny nose, cough, body aches, and possibly a fever – these symptoms are both in kids who have a cold or flu, kids with the coronavirus, even allergies can have some of the same symptoms. There are differences between a(n) cold/allergy and COVID-19, but with the flu, it can get a bit confusing.
To help determine the differences between it all I have included a graphic below. Despite the differences though, prevention is all the same. Washing hands for at least 20 seconds, covering nose and mouth when sneezing and coughing, and making sure not to share drinks or touch our face can all help prevent viruses and colds from spreading. Seattle United kids have been doing a great job in taking all of the precautions, but sometimes kids will be kids and forget.
With any sickness symptoms, we do ask that you have them stay home until symptoms are gone and if there is any concern that it may be COVID related, we recommend that they get tested out of precaution. If you need help locating a testing site near you, here is a link that has all the testing sites around the King County area ( Also, if your insurance allows, UW Sports Medicine Clinic at the Alaska Arena can help any Seattle United family – just email them at [email protected] or call (206)598-3294, option 8. Make sure to mention that you are Seattle United family and they will be able to get you an appointment regarding any injury or sickness within 48hrs!
Seattle United’s Athletic Trainer
Jasmin Ayala, MS, ATC-L/R
- Intermountain Healthcare. What’s the difference between a cold, the flu, seasonal allergies, and coronavirus. September 2020.
- World Health Organization (WHO). Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Similarities and differences with influenza. March 2020. Retrieved at int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/question-and-answers-hub/q-a-detail/q-a-similarities-and-differences-covid-19-and-influenza