Lost & Found

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  1. Author
    suadmin 10 years ago

    Please use this area below to post Lost & Found conversations.

  2. Chuck Johnson 10 years ago

    We found a Mens size Medium #33 Seattle United Adidas warm-up jacket. Let us know if you lost it.

  3. Markus Glunz 10 years ago

    Our son left his blue rain jacket at Ingraham after yesterday’s practice, 11/5, 5:30-7. Anybody pick it up by any chance? Or know who would pick up stuff left behind after practices?

  4. Jen Fallon 10 years ago

    LOST: #28 men’s training jacket, size medium. New style (black/blue) Misplaced sometime early November-ish. Not sure where.
    If found please email: [email protected]. Belongs to Colin Fallon, B98 Tango, but I don’t think his name is written on jacket anywhere.

  5. Sue Parson 10 years ago

    FOUND: #8 SU Black Jacket Size M. Washington Park. Contact Sue Parson 206-781-2287 or [email protected]

  6. LAURA ROSE 10 years ago

    Missing- Woodland soccer field- November 22 afternoon game.
    #8 women’s warm up jacket. Size small. New black/blue style.

  7. Brian Todd 10 years ago

    FOUND: Adidas windbreaker/rain jacket. Black — same as the standard team rain jacket, but without SU logo or a #. Jefferson Playfield – November 22, Size (Youth) L

    • Kate Ongvisit 9 years ago


      If you still have it, pls. let me know. I can pick up at your house. I believe it was the one my son lost there. We went back, but never found it. I didn’t know there is lost and found link here. Thank you.

  8. Corinne Ross 10 years ago

    Lost at Ingraham 12/17 evening practice. #23 boys warm up jacket in dark blue that was hanging on the fence. Please email me if you picked it up. Thanks!

  9. Stephanie Wallace 10 years ago

    Lost a #18 Seattle United Black Rain Jacket at Shoreline Field. Please email me if you picked it up. Thank you!

  10. Susan Takemoto 10 years ago

    Did you find a #9 warm up jacket size Women’s Small? Name “Julia” written on tag.

  11. Hugo Varlamos 10 years ago

    Lost Seattle United #27 jacket says Hugo inside the left pocket.
    Size medium

  12. Brian Todd 10 years ago

    Lost Seattle United warmup jacket #15 at Ingraham this week.
    Boys small

  13. Chiyo 10 years ago

    Lost SU team jacket #1 with a C or Chiyo written on tag.
    Lost Thursday night 8 pm at Ingraham HS.

  14. Michael King 10 years ago

    Lost black SU training jacket. It is a youth large and had the #4 on the front. I beleive the tag inside should have a AK for Arriannah King.

  15. Stephanie Scroggs 10 years ago

    Found SU jacket, number 33 at Ingraham. Please email if it is yours.

  16. Marianne Luft 10 years ago

    Lost boys warm up jacket and pants (#23) at Magnuson #6. Either Feb. 11th or 18th. I believe sizes were large but jacket should have Dylan Paine on the tag. Pants have hole in right knee.

    • Sue Parson 10 years ago


      We have an extra #23 black jacket with no name. My son is #23, and somehow ended up with 2, but it is a size MEDIUM. Call me to connect: 206-550-3163.

  17. Steve Morrissey 10 years ago

    Lost — ym training jacket #6. Says “EM G05 Copa” inside.

  18. Jen Fallon 9 years ago

    Left boys’s home/light blue jersey #3 at Queen Anne Bowl on Sat, 4/18. Was not there when we returned to field 30 mins later.
    Did somebody pick up?

    • Jen Fallon 9 years ago

      This was found.

  19. Susan Whiting 9 years ago

    We’re looking for a boy’s SU jacket #27 last seen at Twin Ponds 4/24/15. If anyone picked it up, please let us know. thanks.

  20. Ingrid 9 years ago

    Left: black Adidas warm-up pants, women’s size small, #8, at Lower Genesee field during tryouts Friday night 5/8/15

  21. Kate Macneale 9 years ago

    Hello – We’ve lost a girl’s youth medium(?) SU jacket with #56, and we’d love to know if anyone has found it – Thanks!

  22. Doug Manis 9 years ago

    Found a gray/light blue warm-up jacket, #22, size small at Shoreline A/B on Thursday, June 4th. Would love to reunite with its owner.

    Email me at [email protected] or [email protected] to connect.

  23. Lily 9 years ago

    Lost a warm-up jacket size medium number 2 at Seattle cup at Starfire, if you found it please contact me, thanks!


  24. Shawnaci Petrosky 9 years ago

    In June my son lost his Green Drawstring Mexico Backpack with all his Ref’in clothes. He needs this to ref. Please email me if you seen it. [email protected]

  25. Amanda Olson 9 years ago

    Lost SU warm up jacket with #10, youth size medium at Magnolia last week (Wednesday, Sept. 30).

  26. kirby 9 years ago

    Lost a Youth Medium #37 warmup jacket at POD at Jane Addams last Friday oct. 2

  27. Tracy 9 years ago

    Lost #30 SU blue and black warmup jacket. New this season, West Region player. Please contact if found!

    • Tracy 9 years ago

      Call or text me at 206-335-5905 if found the #30 warmup jacket.

  28. Andrew Goldstein 9 years ago

    Lost youth medium #8 at Ingraham High School On Oct. 7.

  29. Timothy Doyle 9 years ago

    Lost a Youth Extra Small (XS) Warmup Jacket – #42 – at Sixty Acres on 10/4/2015.

  30. Johnny 9 years ago

    Found a Youth Small warmup jacket #15 at Ingraham North Field on Thursday night (10/8/15) with a name on it (initials A.S.)

  31. April 9 years ago

    Lost sometime in last several weeks: Youth Medium warmup jacket #2 at Ingraham or Twin Ponds.

  32. Becca 9 years ago

    Lost a Youth small warmup jacket #39 at 60 Acres on 10/18.

  33. Ann Allen 9 years ago

    We found a Youth M #13 warmup jacket. Happy to get it back to its owner.

    • Natalie Dearie 9 years ago

      My son lost his #13 SU jacket at Ingraham last Friday night (11/6). Wondering if this might be his. I thought it had our name on a sticker but it may have fallen off. Please let me know if you think this might be ours. Thank you, Natalie

    • Natalie Dearie 9 years ago

      Hi Ann,
      Sorry if this is a duplicate response. I tried to respond earlier, but I’m not sure it was delivered. My son lost his SU #13 jacket, we believe at Ingraham last Friday (11/8). We are hopeful that you have it. Please let me know if this might be ours. Thank you.

  34. Natalie Dearie 9 years ago

    Lost #13 Jacket on or around 11/6. If found, please call or text me at 206-310-7950.

  35. Ann Allen 9 years ago

    Hi. We picked up a 01 West Blue “Luke” ball in the street near Ingraham in the last week. Let me know if it is yours. Will try to find a way to get it back that way. 425-241-6033.

  36. Corey 9 years ago

    Lost Youth XL rain jacket #10 no name inside; Ingraham practice field can call or text 425.478.4004

  37. Kevin Rothrock 9 years ago

    Lost: #6 Seattle United rain jacket (black) size L. Left at Ingraham High School (main fields, not stadium) on 1/5/16. Please call (206) 498-7150.

  38. Yen Banh 9 years ago

    LOST: Black Seattle United rain jacket at Lower Woodland #2 on Thursday, January 21, 2016. It has the initials “SBW” on the tag(s) inside. If you come across it, please contact: 206.778.5008 or [email protected]. Thanks!

  39. Sanjay Levinson 9 years ago

    I lost a mens north face green/grey thermoball jacket at shoreline a/b on the 25th of February 2016 at B99/98 premiere tryouts. It’s a hooded, size medium, puffy jacket that is greenish grey with a lighter grey zipper. Please contact me with the email [email protected] or reach me at 415-717-8349. Thanks!

  40. Tia 9 years ago

    LOST: #12 Warm Up Jacket, kids size med or large. We think it was left at Interbay on 3/7. [email protected]

  41. Jen Fallon 8 years ago

    Found mens watch at Van Asselt, Monday, 4/18. Email me and identify it (color, brand) and we’d be happy to get it back to you.

  42. Kelly Peterson 8 years ago

    Seeking Women’s SM home/away jerseys with #6, or #2 for G98 players (two region teams combined so we have conflicts) – – this is their last year to play, so buying brand new is not optimal.

  43. Kelly Peterson 8 years ago

    Seeking Women’s SM home/away jerseys with #6, or #2 for G98 players (two region teams combined so we have conflicts) – – this is their last year to play, so buying brand new is not optimal. please contact [email protected]

  44. Vale Baxter 8 years ago

    Lost a children’s warmup jacket, blue and black #23. We believe it was left at Magnuson in June.

  45. Christine 8 years ago

    Lost size 10 men’s Nike navy Jordan’s low top
    Possibly left at lower woodland 7 or ingraham

  46. Angela Hession 8 years ago

    Lost Youth Small Blue/Grey Training Jacket #27 at Jefferson Park South Field during Seattle United B06 game on Saturday October 1st around 10am. If found please contact Angela Hession at 206 499 5915.

  47. Mari Brown 8 years ago

    Lost #21 (Adult Small) Adidas Grey Training Jacket @ Twin Ponds several weeks ago.
    Please call Mari: 206-706-1527 if found. Thanks!

  48. Diane 8 years ago

    Found SU jacket #6 tonight – Wednesday 10/19 at Ingraham

  49. Debbie 8 years ago

    Lost: #25 youth training jacket at Shoreline A/B last Tuesday 10/11. If found please contact Debbie at 206.459.4322 or [email protected]

  50. Jackie DeNonno 8 years ago

    Lost SU youth Warm-up jacket #13 at Ingraham stadium in Saturday 10/22. Please call 206-930-2448. Thanks!

  51. mr 8 years ago

    Lost a gray warmup jacket #28, youth med at Georgetown on Th 10/27.

  52. Cathy McKee 8 years ago

    #8 grey newest style warm up jacket YXL(we think) left at Shoreline A/B last Thursday, March 23. If found please contact Cathy McKee at 206-713-0884. My daughter is on the G04 COPA team.

  53. Melanie Tratnik 7 years ago

    Lost in May 2017 a child’s grey SU warmup jacket with the #2 on the chest. Likely lost in the Ballard/Wallingford/Phinney Ridge area.

  54. Jennifer Sewell Tifft 7 years ago

    Lost Seattle United girls rain jacket with #3 on the back. Last seen at Lower Woodland Field 7.

  55. Julie Yee 7 years ago

    Lost: Seattle United backpack #12 at Magnuson grass field on Thursday, June 15. Contained soccer ball with player’s name and purple hydroflask inside. If found please contact Julie at 206.351.3630.

  56. Matt Hainje 7 years ago

    Found: Smartwatch, from an SU backpack
    Where: Starfire Sports, Field #11
    When: Evening of Saturday, July 8

    We had to leave the field in a hurry due to injury, and in gathering our son’s bag, we got someone else’s, apparently left behind, with the same number. The watch fell out in our van while my wife searched for other stuff. We returned to the field and exchanged the bags, but didn’t realize the watch had fallen out.

  57. Matt Hainje 7 years ago

    Lost: Adidas soccer ball, at In Graham High School fields, Thursday, Sep 2. Size 5, HAINJE written on the ball in marker.

  58. Andrew Mackenzie 7 years ago

    Lost: Iphone SE in white speck case

  59. Andrew Mackenzie 7 years ago

    Lost: Iphone SE
    where: Ingraham
    when: October 4th

    • Elizabeth Landry 7 years ago

      Lost SU rain jacket, maybe at Georgetown field, or maybe Jefferson. This year design, youth medium, no # on it.

  60. Stacie Van den Dyssel 7 years ago

    Found SU training jacket youth small. #33 @ Miller on Sunday. Name on jacket says Heim but phone # is unreadable.

    • Tia 7 years ago

      That is my daughter’s jacket. You can reach or text me at 206-250-7000. Thanks!

  61. Kay 7 years ago

    Lost – SU grey warm up jacket youth medium No. 54. (B06 West Black) Disappeared at practice at Woodland 2 on Wednesday evening (Jan 3rd 2018, 5:45-7pm). Please contact 206 334 4306 if you picked it up. Thank you.

  62. Tricia Hans 6 years ago

    Lost Seattle United Warm up jacket #8 and pants. Unknown when last had but may have left at one of the practice fields.

  63. Melody Portillo 6 years ago

    Found two tone, blue and teal Nike boot. Not sure what size but looks like an adult size. Found at Shoreline A/B by Astrid Held-Rude. Posted on Facebook, ShorelineLiving page and might have a her home nearby the field.

  64. Dmitry 6 years ago

    Lost #28 SU Jacket at Ridgecrest Field back in October-November timeframe. Might have been picked up by a girls team on the adjacent field. Should have Tiago on the tag inside the jacket. If found please let us know. Thank you.

  65. Dmitry Ischenko 6 years ago

    Lost #28 SU dark blue warm up jacket (size small for 8 year old) back in October-November 2018 timeframe at Ridgecrest Elementary. Name on the tag should be Tiago. Might have been picked up by an adjacent SU ladies team. not holding out much hope but, if found please let us know.

  66. Mari 6 years ago

    Found #7 Blue SU Warm Up Jacket size XL on 3/23/19 at Magnuson #6.
    Text me at 206-356-7439 if it is yours.

  67. Chris lewis 5 years ago

    Found #9 warm up jacket after the jamboree at UW before the Husky men’s game last Friday. No name size US small

    • Rachel Bender Ignacio 5 years ago

      Hi chris! This is Nora Ignacio’s. Please call me at 206940 5522 thanks! Rachel

    • Brian Todd 5 years ago

      I think that’s my son, Nolan’s, jacket! Can you let me know how to reach you, or contact me at 206.355.2984.

  68. Dana 5 years ago

    Lost #10 Black SU Jersey girls size M? on Tuesday 9/3/19 at Twin Ponds (girls 2012 practice field)

    Please text me at 206-355-8040 if found.

  69. Hi chris! This is Nora Ignacio’s. Please call me at 206940 5522 thanks! Rachel

  70. Mindi Bachhuber 5 years ago

    Lost black #2 jersey (size small) at the 9/30 Jamboree at Jefferson Park.

  71. Melissa Lee 5 years ago

    Hello Seattle United.
    FOUND: Blue Adidas Seattle United Sweatshirt. Size adult Medium. No Number markings on it. Issaquah Highlands Central Park Turf Field on October 6th-7th HOpefully I can reunite you with your owner! cell 401 559 4724

  72. Shannan Frisbie 5 years ago

    Missing Girls SU warm up jacket #9. Lost at Starfire on 2/1 at State cup.

    If found contact 2063566140

  73. Lisa Rush 4 years ago

    Lost #29 blue training jacket on Shoreline field in January. Thanks

  74. Lisa Rush 4 years ago

    Lost #29 blue training jacket on Shoreline field in January

  75. Dana Miller 3 years ago

    Found: Grey SU Jacket #48, size 13/14 at lower woodland 7 on 4/17/21. We thought it belonged to a teammate but it was apparently a different #48 player.

  76. Nancy Chaney 3 years ago

    FOUND: Seattle United training jacket (light gray/current version) #6, size 9-10Y. Found at Loyal Heights Playfield in Ballard early Friday morning, May 21, 2021. Please text or call to claim 206-713-1292.

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